A self-motivated, hard-working, and ambitious Full-Stack Web Developer and a good learner with proficiency in JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS. Having a Problem-solving mindset, and 1200+ hrs of hands-on experience in developing fully functional E-commerce applications. Looking forward to working as a developer and competent employee in an exciting tech company.
HTML , CSS , JavaScript , ChakraUI
ReactJS , Redux , TypeScript
Node JS, Express, MongoDB,
String , Array , Object,
Hours of coding
DSA Problems
Hours of soft skills
This is an e-commerce website that serves as a popular clothing retail chain. The website is designed specifically for selling clothing products online. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of clothing items to choose from.
Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | javascript | JSON Server
Traverse Travel Website offers users an intuitive platform for exploring and booking holiday destinations. With interactive filtering, a seamless booking process, and a secure payment system, users can effortlessly plan and track their travel experiences.
Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | Javascript | AOS